Though I feel like I failed miserably at my 2024 Bucket List, this year was filled with a variety of new experiences, repeat activities, reunions, and impromptu trips, along with a whole lot of concerts and, well, Florida. 🤣And while these decisions may have wreaked a little havoc on both my wallet and waistline…YOLO, right?! With some unexpected loss and diagnoses happening recently, I decided to live a little more in the moment this year rather than regretting a “what if” in the future… and I have literally no regrets. I’ll be reeling it back in for 2025, though 😛
So, here are some monthly highlights for me…(text below image)

- Brought in the new year with mom and dad (which I think set us up greatly for spending the most time with them in a year since I moved 17 years ago!)
- Got a surprise snow day, allowing me to leave a day early for my planned FL weekend and spent a solo day at Universal & Disney (which I highly recommend sometime in your life!)
- Threw beads in Universal’s opening Mardi Gras parade (the previous year I did the closing parade)
- Completed state #38 in Alabama with Ricky spectating (and he surprised me with a yummy coffee!)
- Finished state race #39 in Oklahoma with Jen R. joining me for a cold 5k adventure
- Had a Disney Date with Ricky to celebrate our Leap Year Engagement Anniversary
- Patty came to visit with her doggos and we visited Amy’s new house (yay wedding in 2025!)
- Spent St. Patrick’s Day at Universal
- Took Mom, Dad, and Chase to the Cherry Blossom Festival in DC
- Had family here for Easter and met my sister’s new mini pup, Shelby
- Completed the Cherry Blossom 10 miler with Little (holy undertrained haha)
- Found cheap flights for a quick overnight with Ricky for a mid-week school holiday
- Rode the train to NYC for Moulin Rouge on Broadway and a visit to Harry Potter New York
- Got a Tesla
- Had an EPIC Cinco de Mayo weekend celebrating 3 years after meeting my Uni crew (love you bitches!)
- Caught the Aurora Borealis for the first time (of three!) this year
- Attended my nephew Dylan’s graduation in Ohio
- Snagged a Passholder virtual queue for Jen C. and me to ride Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, celebrating the completion of my 17th year in education
- Traveled to the west coast to meet up with family in Seattle and board a 7-day cruise to Alaska
- Ran a virtual race in Sitka, making it 40 states achieved in my Running in the USA Challenge
- Rode in a helicopter, landed on a glacier, saw a mountain goat on a precipitous ledge, and yes I even drank glacier water and didn’t die!
- Rescued Mikey the Tuxy cat to our family, after 5 years in foster care
- Hosted 4th of July for the McMaster fam
- Flew home to see my parents, meet up with friends from high school and college for a movie, and attend a family reunion…
- THEN jetted directly to Florida for a McMiller Family Disney Vacay
- Joined Jackie and crew for a FL birthday adventure and attend UOAP Night (which they’ll never let me forget haha)
- Introduced Jen & Brian to Skyline Caverns and Spelunkers custard
- Had an impromptu girls’ weekend with Whittney & Jen C.
- Got to have drinks with my book club besties then dinner with some of my favorite people on my birthday (as I was unknowingly developing bronchitis, yay)
- Celebrated Beth & Russ at their wedding in PA
- Attended a super fancy pants dinner with Carl & Megan for her birthday, catching more northern lights on the way home
- Schemed with Whittney to surprise Marshall with a 1st wedding anniversary adventure to Universal
- Spent Halloween at Hollywood Studios
- Ran my first Disney race with Jackie, in the wee hours of the morning
- Convinced Ricky to travel to the Dallas/Fort Worth area to see Linkin Park perform with their new lead singer (it didn’t take much pushing at all haha)
- Rounded out our HGTV trifecta by visiting Magnolia in Waco, TX (having visited Laurel, MS and Wetumpka, AL previously)
- Celebrated Thanksgiving with family in WNY, complete with 3.5 feet of lake effect snow
- Had our 11th annual MABAVB Adventure, visiting 6 parks over 5 days, 4 of those with the Copelands
- Participated in Wreaths Across America with Ricky & Rick
- Sat in row 2 of the end zone at the Bills/Pats game on our 12th anniversary, celebrating another Buffalo win
- Traveled across the border into Canada to attend the Festival of Lights for the first time in multiple decades
- Ate in the Skylon Tower’s revolving dining room with Mom, Dad, and Ricky on Christmas Eve
- Spent Christmas Day with my WNY family
Additional Highlights
- Ended up with 40 books read, which is way less than my goal of 70, but more than I thought I’d get!
- Attended ELEVEN concerts over 4 states
- Spent 40 days at theme parks 😯
- Note: You may be thinking “GOALS” but like I said to my cousin, “I’m fat and financially irresponsible…don’t be like me.” 😆
Bucket List Items I DID Manage to Check Off
- At least two things from a previous year that were never completed:
- Play Spades Again – March 9th with Patty, Ricky, and Tyron
- iFly (indoor skydiving) – June 20th on the cruise
- Friendcation – October 21-23 with the Copelands
- Try at least two things that push me out of my comfort zone:
- Sampled Escargot – June 18th on the cruise
- Crossed the Yukon Suspension Bridge – June 20th in port on the cruise
- Read more nonfiction & biographies – 6 this year!
- See someone in concert we haven’t seen yet – Starset on Sept. 13. Awesome effects!
- Stay at a Deluxe Disney resort – Saratoga Springs for the McMiller Family Vacay (was super affordable to upgrade from moderate, yes please)
- Ride in a helicopter – June 21 landing on top of a glacier in Alaska
- I also made a lot of headway in trying new things in VA/DC! Visited one new winery, two new breweries, numerous new restaurants, and tried a few new activities. Hoping to expand that to more in 2025!
Now to make a list for 2025… <3