So since I’ve had some time to let it settle, I figured it was time to give the full run-down of my first Marathon experience. It’s long, detailed, and probably boring for most of you. But I wanted to get it down 🙂 If you have any questions or anything, let me know! You know…
Author: catmcmaster
Week #1 Marathon Training
UPDATE: I decided it was too much to start training this early for a marathon and pushed it off until July. I didn’t keep up with posting here, but updated everything on Social Media. Check out my Marathon Recap from December for the full story! April 17 – So the first day was a scheduled…
Half Marathon #3 Recap
I figure since it’s been a month, I can finally do the recap for my third half marathon. As disappointing as it was, I also learned a lot and it hasn’t scarred me permanently 😛 Thanks for following my journey! Training: I had planned on doing the 12 week Hal Higdon plan, like I did for…
Top Signs Your Body Needs a Detox (and 3 Day Refresh results!)
The results are in! But first, why I did it… The holidays were really rough for me with nutrition, exercise, and drinking my water. I THRIVE on routine. When I’m at work and following my regular schedule for the week, I do just fine (for the most part). But when I’m not on that routine,…
Take Control
So… it’s the second day of the new year. This is usually the time for people to make their resolutions and decide what kind of goals they are going to achieve in 2o17. Yesterday I talked about my goals for the year, in regards to TONS of different things…health, fitness, love, life, friendship, extracurricular activities,…
Fresh Start 2017
I woke up this morning, drank a full glass of water before I even got out of bed, and started my 3 Day Refresh. This will help me kickstart this new year, fresh start. No new year, new me…I’m still the same person today than I was last night at 11:59 p.m. 😀 But, as…
Beachbody OnDemand All-Access Pass!
Okay, okay, I know I haven’t posted in a long, long time…but that’s all about to change! And I wanted to start it off by announcing some CRAZINESS! Seriously, Beachbody is off of their rocker haha. ALL ACCESS BEACHBODY ON DEMAND MEMBERSHIP NOW AVAILABLE! So I’m super excited about this INCREDIBLE opportunity that Beachbody is…
The Last Hoorah!
I’m looking for TEN people who want to start the new year feeling AMAZING rather than the other 98% of the world feeling miserable. Wake up on New Year’s Day ready to dominate 2016 instead of making the same old resolution every year that doesn’t happen. The holidays are quickly approaching and while all of…
Can you Relate?! :-P
So today I tackled my dressers and closets for the FOURTH purge since I started this journey. Now everything I own either fits or will soon and nothing is too big. For the last three purges I kept things because I was worried I’d gain it back or not be comfortable wearing things that actually…
Transformation Tuesday
Eeep! Scary post! It’s been awhile since I’ve had a Transformation Tuesday of my own to share, mainly because the scale hasn’t been going down and I didn’t want to just post past progress. I recently went to Cancun, as many of you know, and finally put on the first bikini I’ve ever worn in…