When I sat down to think about something productive to blog about this month, I came up with a number of ideas. I also reached out on social media for suggestions! But I kept coming back to something I was always asked by trainers and other leaders on my health and fitness journey…WHAT’S YOUR WHY? And the same thing absolutely applies to my latest journey and new role as a travel advisor, because people are always asking me why I decided to do this, and why I travel so much haha. So I’ll start with three benefits of travel, for me, as well as suggestions for how to make it happen, and maybe that will inspire you!
Benefit #1 – A Change of Scenery
Duh, right? It seems super obvious. It’s not hard to get caught up in routine and find ourselves going to the same restaurants, shopping at the same stores, and even taking the same vacations over and over because we don’t want the hassle of finding or planning for something new. But, what’s the saying? “Variety is the spice of life…” It’s a literal proverb that means “new and exciting experiences make life more interesting.” No, I’m not calling you boring (but you may be thinking it yourself haha). There is a whole world of possibilities out there and it doesn’t take a plane ride or thousands of dollars to have a new, or even unique, experience.
My very first Bucket List was crafted and launched January 2020. Well, we all know what ultimately affected my ability to complete some of those lofty ideas. I was limited by multiple factors, but also feeling trapped by the four walls that surrounded me. Working from home, having less contact with my closest friends, with most of my family living in states further away… as the year progressed, I realized I had to think outside the box a little bit more than usual if I wanted to escape my house (and keep my sanity)! I knew Virginia had the Blue Ridge Mountains and the Shenandoah River because I literally live less than a mile from them, and I typically see them daily on my commute to work or grocery store trips. But there was so much more that this state I had lived in for nearly 13 years at the time (now almost 18!) had to offer. And most of it didn’t cost me anything but a little time.
(Picture Shown: a visit to Seven Pools in VA on 3/20/20)
- Suggestion #1
- Ask your neighbors or friends who live nearby what their favorite place to go within a 20-25 mile radius would be and try out one or two of them this year! Better still, ask them to join you as you experience it… many people love to play tour guide and/or see someone else enjoying their treasured pastimes.
Benefit #2 – Staying Active
It wouldn’t be a post from me if it didn’t also link back to health and fitness right?! It’s been such a huge part of my life for over 11 years now, so it’s pretty automatic at this point haha. Along with my Bucket List adventures, you’ve also likely seen posts about my Running in the USA challenge, where I am attempting to run a road race in every one of the 50 states. Last summer I achieved my 40th state during our Alaskan cruise and, though I had to deter two races in September, I aim to get Utah and Wisconsin done this year plus an additional state. So this activity combines my two passions into one, and allows me to see some pretty awesome sights in the process!
Obviously most of you aren’t going to run a scheduled race in every place that you visit… (some of us are a special kind of crazy :-P) …but there are plenty of other ways to get active on your adventures! If you’ve ever been to a theme park wearing any device that tracks your steps, you may have been surprised at how much walking you really do each day (or maybe it’s your legs that remind you when your feet hit the floor and you stand up the next morning haha). And even you beach lovers who prefer to lay on a lounge chair with a good book and an icy beverage… unless you’re staying in an oceanfront room you still have to get down to the beach, and walking in sand is certainly not easy! It all counts!
(Picture Shown: My Run 50 board progress as of 2/28/25)
“But Cat, I travel too much, and I hate going to hotel gyms.” Well, ask the front desk (or concierge, fancy pants) if there are walking trails at or near the hotel you’re staying at. Obviously if you’re traveling solo, it can be difficult to trust a new area and you may not be comfortable going alone. But the hotel staff or even a map app on your phone can also point you in the direction of the nearest park or public space!
- Suggestion #2
- Research any places you are visiting ahead of time to see what’s available at that location or nearby. If you like running or walking, find a small body of water you can circle around to take in sights and people-watch (the Chestnut Hill Reservoir in Boston is great!). If you prefer more low-impact, see if there is a bike or scooter you can borrow or rent and take a quick jaunt to a local unique stop (the Bob Kerrey Pedestrian Bridge in Omaha is amazing at night!).
Benefit #3 – Meeting New People
Now I know what you’re thinking…STRANGER DANGER! Obviously I’m not saying you have to exchange contact information with anyone, or even spark up a conversation with every person you meet. But if you’re open to the possibility you could, at minimum, learn more about the area in which you’re traveling, find a yummy restaurant you may not have found on your own, or even make a lifelong friend in the process.
Even though I’m a social butterfly with those that I know, and can normally make polite conversation with anyone I come into contact with, I’m really an introverted extrovert (sometimes referred to as an ambivert). So I definitely don’t seek out people for the purpose of finding a new bestie or adding to a future game night guest list…just being the good communicator I am. But not all of you may have heard the story of how I met my now fellow Universal (and later Disney) Junkie friends that I travel almost monthly with! I’ll save the full story for another blog entry… but it all started with an internet post, continued with an airport pickup, and came to a climax with TWO epic rides on a brand new roller coaster during Cinco de Mayo. We even still keep in contact with at least one of the Team Members who was working the ride that day!
(Picture Shown: A sunny day at MK with some fellow dual Passholder peeps, 3 of whom I actually first met in Florida)
- Suggestion #3
- When traveling, try signing up for activities or excursions that pair or group you with people you don’t know! Maybe you’ll work together on a series of Escape Room puzzles, share a tram-ride to the top of a mountain you’ll eventually ski down, or happen to sit next to a solo traveler on a bus ride to tour a well-known landmark. Any interaction can end up being life-changing!
What are some benefits you’ve found with traveling?! Maybe I’ll cover those next time 🙂