Though I get asked many times about why I became a Team Beachbody coach, the thing more people want to know is why I STAY one! So I figured I would go over some of the amazing benefits of this amazing “job” that I get to do every single day! I want to start with the most important piece to me…being around people who push me!

When I moved to Virginia a little over 12 years ago, I pretty much left everyone and everything I ever knew. I only knew TWO people in the town I was moving to, and was starting my first ever year of teaching. I pretty much only hung out with my roommate and her friends, or some coworkers occasionally. I really didn’t feel like I belonged, often fearing I made a mistake in leaving. Even after I developed a group of people I hung out with that weren’t just “friends by proximity” or co-workers, and started dating my now husband, I felt very alone and was often very lonely, even in a room full of people. I felt my best when I was at work, helping my students and collaborating with other teachers. I always knew that I was meant to help people!! So when my weight hit an all-time high and I finally decided it was time for a real change, I was excited to be invited to a Challenge Group. This group provided a safe space where I could connect with other people doing the same program I was, reaching for the same goals as me, and struggling with similar things! If I was having a bad day and wanted to reach for the chocolate (my biggest vice, still to this day…), I would check in with the group and realize that I wasn’t alone. This support and motivation wasn’t what initially propelled me to become a coach (I was all about the discount at first), but would ultimately be what I knew I could provide for others that had tried everything but always felt like a failure (just like me).
Over the course of the nearly 6 years that I have been a coach, I have had the opportunity to meet the people who created the Beachbody brand and numerous supertrainers that provide amazing programs that help us push our limits. Whether it was through earning a photo op, running into them on a pool deck, meeting them at a Super Weekend event, or waiting outside a restaurant on a Success Club trip, I am always so surprised with how down to earth and REAL they are in person. I am so honored to aid them in their mission to help people to live happier, healthier lives filled with purpose. The work is NEVER done and I’m always excited to see what they come up with for the next best thing to challenge me to step outside my comfort zone!
But beyond the CEOs, trainers, and nutritionists, are people who push me EVEN MORE. The people that I support AND the people that have joined me on this mission! And a majority of these people I never would have met if it hadn’t been for Team Beachbody! Every single person in the picture above was brought into my life because of this amazing company and the service it provides. These people filled with life, light, love, and positivity make every day a little bit better because I get to share this journey with them. They push me to do my best, be better than yesterday, and look forward to the future. I have learned so much about myself in helping others, and have made connections that never would have been possible if not for this opportunity. I support over 1300 people as of today, from nearly all 50 states, Canada, and the United Kingdom (expanding to France soon!). I have met people within the company in Nashville, New Orleans, Indianapolis, Las Vegas, Punta Cana, the Riviera Maya, and on cruises to the Bahamas, Haiti, and Jamaica. I even met up with someone that I’ve been supporting for 3 years at dinner near DC this past weekend! (I’ve got it on my Bucket List to meet with more people that I’ve only met online!)
I chose to cover this perk first, because to me…the PEOPLE are the most important. Team Beachbody got it right with the equation for sure – Nutrition + Fitness + SUPPORT = Success. We all help each other, no matter who is the coach and who is the client…our roles are cyclical! Just like I learned in that first Challenge Group, being surrounded by like-minded people reminded me that I’m not alone and that I can do anything with the right people by my side. And though someone can’t always be in my kitchen smacking cookies out of my hand, or force me to get up when my alarm goes off at 4:45 a.m…knowing that I’ve got a group of people depending on me to make good choices and focus on my own goals while supporting them in theirs helps immensely.
I always remind people to ‘Find Your Fight’ when it comes to living a happy, healthy, more fulfilling life with purpose. This is mine. I fight for YOU. Now, go believe in YOU like I do 😀