I’ve seen this a couple of different places recently, and it really resonated with me. It’s so so so true. And for lots of different reasons. I don’t want anyone to think what I’m about to cover is singling any one person out, because I’ve heard this stuff multiple times from many different people…bear with me.
Since I started this journey in February, I’ve had some pretty interesting conversations with people. I get a lot of comments like:
-I could never do anything like that.
-I wish I had the time to work out as much as you do.
-There’s no way I can eat clean with my schedule.
-I just don’t have the money to… (eat right, buy equipment, join a gym, drink Shakeology, insert other excuse here, etc.)
And a lot of questions like:
-Doesn’t that food just get boring? (when I’m eating a salad, fruits or veggies, lean meats, whole grains, etc.)
-Aren’t you supposed to be on a diet? (when I’m eating pizza, a burger, cake, etc.)
-Don’t you get sick of…(planning, working out, running, not eating what you want, insert other criticism here, etc.)?
Now some of what I’m about to say might come across as criticism, but I believe the above picture to apply to those making the effort. As it states, “anyone who is trying to better themselves.” A lot of the above comments and questions tend to come from people that have given up, aren’t seeing the results quickly enough, or, worst of all, haven’t even tried. Please don’t take any of this the wrong way.
Everyone is on their own journey. Some will be able to put in more effort, some are able to dedicate themselves to something wholeheartedly, and some just want it more than others. Some of those same people will be more successful because of those reasons. But you have to understand your own journey first. WHY are you doing this? WHAT is it you want to achieve? WHO is it you are doing it for? If it’s not YOU, then you really need to rethink your goals. It’s a harsh realization, but if those around you can’t understand your journey…maybe it’s time to find some who do.
I realize that since February, I’ve “lost” some Facebook friends. There could be multiple reasons behind this…FB glitches, drifting apart, lack of communication, or quite possibly because of what I share. I know not everyone understands what I’m doing, what I’m going through, and the reasons behind it. I’ve started to apologize before I post things, but I’m going to stop doing that because I shouldn’t have to apologize for what I’ve achieved. I’m super proud of what I’ve done, where I started, where I am now, and the fact that I know where I want to be before I slow down. I don’t starve myself, I don’t work out for hours each day, I don’t neglect my body’s needs and wants to compensate for other things, because I know how to do it the right way. I’m realistic, I’m goal-driven, I’m dedicated, and I’m seeing results because of the motivation of my WHY. I’m doing this for me, not anyone else past or present.
So for those of you that think you can’t do this…think again. We all have to start somewhere. But the thing to remember is you have to START. Make realistic goals and stick with a plan. If you have 100 pounds to lose, you aren’t going to be able to lose it all in two months. Healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per WEEK. If you’re losing more than that, good for you…but the probability of keeping that weight off over the long run is much smaller. I’m not telling any of you that you need to use Beachbody products to achieve results. Find what works for you. Make small changes and those will lead to bigger ones. Don’t say you CAN’T do anything if you haven’t tried it yet. You’d be surprised how much you can actually handle if you put your mind to it. If you have kids, have them workout with you! If you have a long commute, like me, change into your workout clothes before you leave your place of work or as soon as you get home before you sit down so you feel more compelled to get active before relaxing. If you don’t get much time for lunch, plan ahead! Ask for help if you need to…anything to help you get on track and stay there. And don’t think about it as something you can’t afford…you’re making an investment in your health…in YOU. Stop going out to eat once a week, skip the Starbucks latte every once in awhile, limit your spending somewhere else for a bit, and you’d be surprised how quickly it adds up.
And for those of you that have no desire to do this…please don’t criticize someone else for the choices they’re making and the changes they hope to see. Encourage and motivate…appreciate the effort. Or feel free to ignore or unfollow. For many of us, it’s a long, hard journey and it’s definitely not an easy one by any means. We definitely need more support, encouragement and admiration over criticism, negativity, and pessimism. And no, we aren’t looking fishing for compliments or trying to make you jealous. But many of us want to share our successes in hopes of motivating and inspiring others. No, I don’t get sick of eating well because I’ve learned ways to enjoy the things that are good for me or the things that aren’t so good in smaller quantities. I love the way I feel after I work out, knowing my body is making changes I wouldn’t have seen if I didn’t make the effort. And no, I’m not on a diet…it’s a lifestyle change. It’s all in your way of thinking…change your mindset and it just might change your life.