UPDATE 12/31/24: Failed pretty miserably. Going to reassess my bucket list procedures before tackling a list for next year, because I want to be more successful at this and not feel so bad about what I DID accomplish haha. I downsized this year, but many were multi-part, so I guess not really. I did a lot outside of this list (see my 2024 Recap), and I have no regrets…so I suppose that’s most important <3

After having a pretty unsuccessful attempt at my 2023 items, I decided to downsize my list for this year. I am confident this will allow me to complete all of what I set out to experience, especially since 2024 is already jam-packed full of plans and other goals I always work toward that I don’t put on the list. And while I only have 24 entries on my spreadsheet, many of them include an “at least” emphasis, or are multi-part, so it encourages me to do more if/when I can! I’m really looking forward to the fifth year of challenging myself to try new things, repeat things I’ve enjoyed in the past, spend quality time with family and friends, and make memories to last a lifetime. Be sure to scroll to the bottom for suggestions from me for your own list, even if you don’t care what I’m attempting this year! ^_^
Try Again
1. At least two things from a previous list that were never completed
- #1 – completed Mar 9 – Play Spades again
- #2 – completed June 20 – iFLY (indoor skydiving)
Do it Again
2. At least two things from a previous list or “goals to others” that I want to repeat
- #1 – completed October – get up early to workout for at least a week
- #2 – completed December – got my credit score back to 800
A Group Thing
3. Noraebang
– unfortunately didn’t happen, though I really wanted it to!! Walked by one, though! 🤣
4. Friendcation
– completed Oct 19-21 – Copeland first anniversary Universal adventure
5. Color Party
– didn’t end up happening, but had a few other themed parties this year!
Body & Health
6. Feel more comfortable in my own skin
– yeah that’s a big fat negative, but that’s a main priority in 2025.
7. Try acupuncture or cupping
– didn’t manage to make this happen, but I’m still very curious about both
8. Hike at least 24 miles of the Appalachian Trail
– again, another failure…but Dawn is going to help me achieve this in 2025!!
9. Donate at least 24 of my own items to others in need
– this is a work in progress…I have donated many items this year, but I don’t think quite 24.
10. Volunteer for something meaningful to both me and others
– outside of school stuff, I didn’t make this happen. But I do run groups to support others, and feel like I contribute in other ways so I don’t think this was a complete failure.
11. Try at least two things that push me out of my comfort zone
- #1 – completed June 18 – tried escargot
- #2 – completed June 20 – crossed the Yukon Suspension Bridge (even went back and forth TWICE due to my pictures not turning out the first time!)
12. Read more nonfiction and memoirs, biographies, or autobiographies – completed Dec 11 with SIX! I’ll try for even more next year.
New Experiences
13. Try at least 2 wineries, breweries, restaurants AND activities in Virginia that I haven’t yet
- Winery #1 – completed May 8 – Delaplane Cellars
Winery #2(okay, I missed one…not too shabby!)- Brewery #1 – completed Mar 9 – Bear Chase Brewing
- Brewery #2 – completed May 9 – Lark Brewing
- Restaurant #1 – completed Mar 14 – Trummers
- Restaurant #2 – completed Dec 30 – Skyline Sports Bar
- Activity #1 – completed Apr 7 – Cherry Blossom 10 miler
- Activity #2 – completed Oct 10 – Three Blacksmiths (though yes, this is a restaurant, it’s a whole dang fancy pants experience…so I’m counting it as an activity!)
14. Ride a coaster or ride I haven’t been on yet (preferably at Hershey Park or Cedar Point)
– completed June 13 – Tiana’s Bayou Adventure (okay, this is kind of cheating since I had been on Splash Mountain, BUT the overlay is very different even if the ride is exactly the same!)
15. See someone in concert we haven’t seen yet
– completed Sept 13 – Starset, and what a freaking cool experience that was! I highly recommend.
Treat Yo’self
16. Fly first class
-Yeah, this didn’t happen, though I did upgrade us on the way home from Seattle to have more leg room 😛
17. Visit Hell’s Kitchen with pre fixe menu
– nope again, but we did do something similar at Three Blacksmiths, so it’s not a complete fail.
18. Stay at a deluxe Disney resort or club level at a premier Loews Universal resort
– completed July 28 – Aug 2 at Saratoga Springs for the McMiller Family Vacay
19. Have a yard sale or set up at a flea market
– didn’t get organized enough.
20. Complete at least 10 items on my “Clean & Declutter” list from 2023
– FAIL hardcore. While I did try to work on my list throughout the year, my ADHD brain took over most of the time unfortunately.
Made Possible by Others
21. Visit Club 33
– Nope. Blame Beth. Though we DID get to finally meet up at Disney one of the umpteenth times we were there at the same time! WOOT!
22. Ride in a helicopter
– completed June 21, landing on a glacier in Alaska! So cool.
23. Give Alphabet Dating a try (at least 2 letters)
– taking liberties and counting this as completed, though I wouldn’t count it toward alphabet dating. Ricky and I took some pretty spontaneous trips this year…which you know for me is crazy cuz I love planning haha. But they all allowed us to spend more time with each other, building memories.
- #1 – completed Jul 13 – Operation Infiniti Retrieval and Chicken BBQ Mission
- #2 – completed Nov 8 – Texas Concert Trip
24. Make amends with someone
– nope, but honestly I would rather just keep toxicity away…so again no regrets!!
Suggestions to You!
Though you can easily go back to my previous 4 lists, these are things I’ve accomplished or experiences I’ve had that I think everyone should strive to do at some point, if possible. I’ve added a few this year, as well. Please hit me up with suggestions for future lists, because I start thinking about next year’s EARLY! 🙂
- Participate in a Polar Plunge
- Visit all 4 Disney parks in one day
- Complete a full specific workout program, start to finish
- Get a book signed by a favorite author
- Get a professional massage
- Get a tattoo with a friend or family member
- Go streaking
- Do a “Tip the Bill” or something like “Operation Breakfast”
- Visit a hot springs and talk with strangers while you soak
- Roll down a hill, without kids
- Give up soda
- Pay off a loan earlier than planned
- Hit rope drop on a fresh powdered slope to carve fresh tracks
- Order room service
- Go behind the falls at Niagara Falls
- Watch a space shuttle launch
- Go to a drive-in movie theater
- Quit smoking
- Reread a favorite childhood book
- Get a passport and travel somewhere outside of your native country
- Get up early to workout before work for at least one week
- Register and complete a 5k…walk it, jog it, run it, crawl it…just finish!!
There is some on here I wouldn’t mind trying so if you run out of people to go with ask me I might
Heck yeah! Even if I’ve got others to do it with, you’re welcome to join!