The results are in! But first, why I did it…
The holidays were really rough for me with nutrition, exercise, and drinking my water. I THRIVE on routine. When I’m at work and following my regular schedule for the week, I do just fine (for the most part). But when I’m not on that routine, I just don’t give it the full effort. It’s not because I don’t want to, time just passes before I realize I haven’t drank any water or done many steps in that amount of time, and it’s hard to catch back up. Then you throw holiday treats, parties and such in there…it’s a MESS. So at the end of the year, I found myself exhibiting all of the signs of needing a detox.
My energy level was way way down, even though I would still exercise here and there…the motivation to do it was seriously lacking. My belly was so bloated that I was muffin-topping like nobody’s business in most of my pants :-/ I knew I had put on some weight, but was afraid to step on the scale. I didn’t step on until the morning of the day I started my Refresh and oh, boy. Bad news bears. I was craving anything and everything. All stuff that I don’t deprive myself of completely, but seriously limit when I’m staying on track because of my addictive personality…chocolate, pasta, cereal, anything desserty…I couldn’t keep my hands off of it, and before I knew it entire boxes and packages of things were gone. And I didn’t even share 🙁 My head was getting cloudy and I was getting more forgetful, which just isn’t me. I rarely have trouble sleeping through the night and was waking up constantly…it was super annoying and would be no good going back to my regular schedule. I was starting to get sick, which was crazy for me since I hadn’t been sick since November 2015 and we’re pretty sure that was e coli (so not really avoidable ha). I’m usually able to stave off everything, especially working around kids all day! So that was a huge red flag. And finally, my eczema had come back full force. Some of this was from overwashing of my hands and the cold temps, of course, but normally it’s much easier to keep in control when I’m actually on track with my nutrition and water.
So day one of the Refresh I weighed myself and I was back up to 182.6. Now this weight may not be bad for some of you, but think back to when I did the Ultimate Reset in August. I got down to 166.6. That means that in 4 months I had gained back 16 pounds. That’s pretty much what I lost on the Reset in the first place…and I felt so damn good when I finished that. I had vowed to limit my dairy and meat, be careful with sweets, and such. I did really well for awhile, but then reverted back into some old habits. Now don’t get me wrong…I love my treats. I indulge once in awhile for sure…but not like I was at the end of the year. It was an every day thing, not just a once in awhile thing. And that’s just not me. I knew I needed to get back to the basics with my Shakeology, healthy fats, fruits and veggies…to fuel my system with what it needed and flush all the toxins that had built up.
So here we are after completing day three…I’m down 7.6 pounds and feeling amazing. My head is clearer, my bloat is gone, my cravings have seriously diminished, my skin is clearing up, and I slept through the night. I am so stoked and feel prepared to continue on to our Health Bet challenge starting Monday! I’m gonna CRUSH my goals!!
So, if you’re exhibiting some of the signs that your body needs a detox, you may just want to do just that. I can give you info about the 3 Day Refresh, but this isn’t a selling ploy. It’s just something I know works for me! You can just go back to the basics for a few days or a week to get your body in a better state. Start with drinking at least 8-10 glasses of water a day, adding more veggies to each meal, eating some lower sugar fruits, and limiting or eliminating dairy and meat for a few days. The Refresh has you cut out regular carbs for those three days since you’re getting them from your protein shakes, Shakeology, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, but at least limiting them can help your body process things easier and better. If you want more info about the Refresh or more advice about how to detox without the use of a program, let me know. I’d love to help 🙂