Update 1/1/23 – Made decent progress this year! I took a few liberties with the list, but I think I gave it an okay effort 🙂 Plus we were able to complete TWO things from a previous year’s list – visit the Mormon Temple while it was open to the public, and used that for an opportunity to dress up for a not-so-dressy occasion. This graphic highlights just 16 of my successful attempts this year haha.

Yes, the time has come again…challenging myself in the new year! Looking through my 2020 and 2021 lists, I feel like 68 items (2020) was way too lofty and 40 (2021) was achievable…if I hadn’t put off too many things for the end. So moving forward, it’ll be easiest to just aim to complete the number of things that equals the age I turn that year. The categories I chose this time around were a mix of the previous 2 years. I tried to give myself more challenges in categories I haven’t done so well in, and less in the ones I’ve “crushed” in years past. It’s supposed to be a CHALLENGE right?! So, here’s 41 things for the year I turn 41!
For the First Time
1. Go to a break/bash room or try axe throwing
–completed 1/9, axe throwing at Victoria Burrow
2. Paint something at a ceramic store
–completed 11/5, Nightmare Before Christmas plate at Polka-Dot-Pot
3. Attend a Pride event
-completed 9/17, Winchester, VA
4. FINALLY use my weighted blanket!
–completed 1/20, when I was sick with Covid haha
5. Meet 3 more people in person that I previously only knew on the internet
–completed in July (Summit) and August (PNW trip)
6. Eat a new food
-completed 12/18, clams in a shell & 12/24, poi
Body & Health
7. Try Intermittent Fasting
-completed 1/10-12, dabbled a bit but should try longer
8. Take 50 rides on my Myx bike
-completed 12/30, finally! Going for 100 in 2023
9. Write down 3+ things I’m grateful for, daily, for at least a month
-completed 11/30, did it for the month of November
10. Get a mammogram
-completed 5/5, had to get a follow-up then a biopsy after, but all clear!
11. Conquer a fear
-completed 4/29, a two-fer with giving blood! Not a fan of needles haha
12. Complete “Unstress – 21 Days of Meditation (carried over from 2020 AND 2021)
–FAIL, yet again. I really am going to try again in 2023, but guided meditation this time.
13. Do another Operation Breakfast or “pay it forward” while ordering
–FAIL, meant to do it Christmas Day but forgot. Carrying over to 2023.
14. Send a care package or buy something off a stranger’s wish list/registry
-completed 12/12 – Humane Society Amazon Wish List
15. Use reusable grocery bags wayyyyy more
-completed! There were a few times I forgot throughout the year, but I would say we
did this 95% of the time.
16. Write a Thank You note to a company
-completed December. I did a ton of thank yous & reviews for our Hawaii trip!
17. Give blood (carried over from 2021)
-completed 4/29, at my school event!
18. Support more local businesses (DL Community Market for one)
-completed! Did this as much as possible, though never did make it to DLCM.
19. Try crocheting again
-completed 11/25, with mom! It’s tiny, but I made it haha.
20. Create a gingerbread house or build a snowman
-completed 1/3, getting snow early in the year helped!
21. Get another tattoo (carried over from 2020 AND 2021)
–FAILED miserably, though I know exactly what I want. I WILL GET AT LEAST ONE DONE IN 2023 DAMMIT!
22. Update my website and actually blog at least once a month
-failed miserably here, too. Didn’t post even once. But carrying over to 2023!
Do it Again
23. Bowl a turkey
-Nope. I did have a few games where I got three strikes, just not in a row!
24. Carve a pumpkin
-completed 10/23, at an Ohio BMX event!
25. Write a poem
-completed 11/5, vows for our 10th anniversary ring-exchange.
26. Go on a picnic
-completed 12/25, a carpet picnic with Ricky and microwaved pizza in Hawaii 🙂
27. Watch a hot air balloon land or take off
-FAIL. Just didn’t make it a priority!
28. Watch glass being blown (bonus if I get to try!)
–FAIL. Was hoping to do this in Seattle, but didn’t have time.
29. Attend a luau
-completed 12/26, Paradise Cove in Hawaii.
30. Do a “Goodwill Date Night” with friends
-completed 12/10 with Carl & Megan. I was a fabulous cat lady 😛
31. Surprise someone
-completed 12/24, taking Ricky to Kualoa Ranch to do the ATV Raptor Tour.
32. Go on a whale watch (carried over from 2021)
-completed 12/23, Makapu’u Trail. Wasn’t an official whale watch, but it’s where everyone tends to look for whales on Oahu!
Learning & Growing
33. Make macarons
–FAIL. Didn’t make it a priority, though I did find a recipe I can follow!
34. Visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture
-completed 11/18, but we definitely need to return! Only got through like 60%!
35. Bake homemade bread
-completed 5/1, making rosemary maple English muffins!
36. Take a self defense class
–Nope. Another thing I didn’t make a priority, though I did ask someone about it.
37. Make paprikash & nokedli with mom
-completed 2/20, when mom came to visit! It turned out pretty good!
38. Complete races in 6 more states
-completed Sept. Was able to get EIGHT actually – MN, MI, OR, WA, IL, IA, NE, and HI!
39. Visit the southernmost point of the continental US
-completed 12/21, thought it wasn’t Key West it WAS the southernmost part of ALL states, which I think counts for MORE 😛
40. Go to an RV show and research
–FAIL. We were going to attend the one in Hershey but didn’t make it there. We are pretty sure we know which camper we want, though!
41. Hit up another theme park for a change 😛
-completed 7/26, back to Epcot. At least it wasn’t Universal right?! 😛 Carrying this over to 2023 either way, and hoping to hit up Cedar Point again!
Now I challenge you to go out and make your own list! And DON’T focus on the “but what if I fail” thoughts that are running through your mind as you think about it! The advice I gave to someone recently was this – start small with like 10 items…put a few you know you can make happen for sure, a few that will be more challenging and take some effort, and a few that might be out of reach but you want to try. It’s fun, promise! If you need suggestions for your OWN bucket list, check out my other posts for 2020 and 2021.